ÇAKÜ full of excitement with the Graduation Ceremony

In the second week of ÇAKÜFEST 2024 Science, Culture and Art Festival, graduation enthusiasm started to be experienced. The first of the three-day graduation ceremonies was held at the Uluyazı Campus National Ideal Square. Students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Ilgaz School of Tourism and Hotel Management and Vocational School of Social Sciences received their diplomas and threw their caps. The ceremony was attended by our Rector Prof. Dr. Harun Çiftçi, vice rectors, deans, school directors, academic and administrative staff, students, and their families.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Harun Çiftçi, who took the floor to make the opening speech of the Graduation Ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, continued his words after greeting the guests as follows; “Every stage of life is important. As a result of the understanding of ‘Collect knowledge from the cradle to the grave’, it is an important duty for us to realize transformation both in the person and in society by constantly renewing, learning, and teaching new knowledge, and spreading this knowledge at every stage of life.” Emphasizing that higher education institutions are the locomotive of development for a country, Rector Çiftçi stated that they are the main institutions that raise qualified and equipped human resources that will build the future.

Rector Çiftçi also thanked the academicians who educate students in higher education institutions in line with these ideals and appreciated their desire to constantly train, renew and invest in the future. Rector Çiftçi congratulated all the students who experienced the joy of graduation and wished them to have great things in their future.

Release date: 29 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba